Restoring ecosystems and biodiversity

Many ecosystems face devastation due to deforestation, harmful practices, and climate change. However, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation bring hope. By reconnecting species and revitalizing food webs, we can restore essential ecosystem services.

These efforts protect against floods, droughts, and climate change, while purifying air and water. Ecological restoration also creates sustainable economic opportunities for local communities, including harvesting medicinal plants, developing ecotourism, and fostering eco-friendly businesses.

Join us to restore ecosystems: Plant native trees, support conservation initiatives, and adopt sustainable practices. Together, we can secure a thriving future for our planet!


Dreamnature empowers communities through native trees, promoting self-reliance, economic opportunities, and ecological harmony. Native trees ensure:

  • Food security with diverse fruits, nuts, and leaves.
  • Health benefits through traditional medicine.
  • Climate resilience by regulating temperatures and nurturing soil.

Globally, communities protect biodiversity, mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, and inspire sustainable living. Actions include planting native trees locally, sharing knowledge across generations, collaborating with NGOs and businesses, and celebrating successes to inspire wider participation.


Dreamnature champions native trees as nature’s frontline against climate change, turning barren landscapes into thriving ecosystems. These trees:

  • Air Purification: Naturally filter carbon dioxide, replenishing oxygen vital for life.
  • Soil Sequestration: Store carbon deep in the earth, mitigating global warming.
  • Ecosystem Guardians: Enhance resilience to climate extremes in diverse ecosystems.

Globally, initiatives align with the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals, promoting climate action, sustainable resource management, and poverty reduction. Investing in native tree restoration ensures a resilient future, safeguarding food security, water resources, and infrastructure from climate disruptions.

Our Vision

To be a global leading organization that creates opportunities to sustainably meet the needs of communities livelihood through native vegetation nature.

Let’s Reason Together

Collaborate with Us

Collaborate with us and be a voice for nature. Together, we can rewrite the story of our planet. Let’s replace barren landscapes with vibrant havens where ecology and economy flourish hand in hand. Plant the seeds of change, one native tree at a time


Gift time to Volunteer

Ignite your passion and become a volunteer with us. Do you yearn to leave a lasting impact on the planet? Join us in fostering vibrant ecosystems, empowering communities, and mitigating climate change. No matter your skills or experience, there’s a place for you on our team.

Partner with Us

Welcome to Dreamnature, where your partnership can truly make a difference. Beyond the conventional approaches of carbon credits and tree planting, our collaboration is about nurturing a world where empowered communities, vibrant ecosystems, and a breathing planet coexist harmoniously.


Offset your

Welcome to the heart of our mission – the magic power of native trees. As we plant more  trees

Restore Ecosystems & Biodiversity

In a world grappling with the impacts of climate change, ecosystem restoration becomes a beacon of hope. Dreamnature believes in the power of native trees to heal the planet. These silent heroes play a crucial role in restoring ecosystems, acting as natural buffers against floods, droughts, and climate extremes. They purify the air, providing life-giving oxygen and absorbing harmful carbon dioxide

Empower Communities

Native trees are the key to empowering communities, providing opportunities for self-reliance, economic growth, and ecological harmony. Beyond tree-planting, this journey leads to sustainable livelihoods, economic independence, and a profound connection to cultural heritage



Mitigate Climate Change

Native trees are nature’s frontline defense against climate change, acting as carbon sinks to absorb and store greenhouse gases. Planting native trees actively mitigates climate change, contributing to a cleaner, healthier planet. Our projects exemplify the transformative power of native trees, demonstrating how communities can collaborate to safeguard the future



You do a wonderful job with the kids that require our help and support the people in need all over the globe. I will definitely join you as a volunteer!

Anna Harris
Anna HarrisExperience/expert: Geography and Environment

It's always a pleasure to work with these guys - they know what they want and that is why they achieve their goals. Thanks a lot for the team spirit and your work!

Carjin Mulder
Carijn MulderMedical engineer

Your performance under the most trying circumstances was nothing less than exemplary. You are the sole reason our rescue mission actually happened! Cannot thank you enough.

Dianna Young
Thomas Graphics