Who We Are

We are here not for income, but for outcome.

DREAMNATURE LANDSCAPING ORGANIZATION (DLO) is a nonprofit organization formally registered April 7, 2022 under Non – Governmental Organization Act of 2002 of Tanzania. Hereafter, given registration number 00NGO/R/3040 to implement activities at national level.

Our story begins in the year 2020 where the founder Mr. Aron Josephath Katosho started building up the idea, he was 24th years old, pursuing BSc. Forestry from Sokoine University of Agriculture, later shared the concept to academician for shaping, in time regarded as advisors then organized fellow few classmates to conduct research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of bachelor of science in forestry of the Sokoine University of Agriculture regarding to gaps in the wild indigenous tree species; Anisophyllea boehmii.

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Becoming a& Membere

Pellentesque lacinia urna eget luctus faucibus. Sus
pendisse potenti. Morbi accumsan, arcu et feugiat hen
drerit, odio quam egestas risus, tincidunt gravida est
risus ut enim.



Benson Kafura
Benson Kafura
Zonal Coordinator
Daimon B. Makombe
Daimon B. Makombe
General Secretary
Patrick M. Cyprian
Patrick M. Cyprian
Project Coordinator